Friday, June 3, 2016

As Grandpa Tyler would say....

It's June!  Are you all starting to think about packing your bags and loading up the car for TYLER REUNION at Duck Creek at the end of the month?  It'll be here before we know it! (and there are still rooms available)
**According to Wikipedia:  Duck Creek Village is an unincorporated community in Kane County, Utah, United States. It is located on the edge of Cedar Mountain, with an elevation of 8,507 feet.

 Here's a few ideas for a packing list for the reunion:

__your happy faces
__sunscreen & hats (temps are 70-80's during the day)
__a big appetite
__jackets (it gets cold at night- sometimes into the 40's)
__bug repellant
__more happy faces
__towels and hygiene items
__umbrellas and/or ponchos (it's been known to shower up there)
__fishing poles & bait
__geocache equipment?
__camp chairs or recliner
__your sense of humor
__$$ for the auction
__family first aid kit & meds
__have I mentioned your happy faces?
__games or sports equipment
__hiking shoes 
__sleeping bag or extra blankets/quilts
__camera and/or binoculars
__any photos or family history you'd like to share

As you can tell, I am planning on having a great time!  Due to the wedding that I am also planning in July, and on the brain overload I'm experiencing, I plan on taking this easy.  We won't really have much structure during the day; just hikes, fishing, exploring, games and visiting.  I hope that's okay with y'all!

SEE YOU SOON!  (I'll send out a map soon)

Sunday, May 1, 2016

What do we do?

 Besides the beautiful outdoors, we are also planning a few activities as a group.  Because, well, you know, we kinda are going so we can be together and get to know each other better, right?  Right! 
So, here we go:

Daytime activities:
Corn Hole
Volley Ball
Treasure Hunt
Hikes - Uncle Dan will organize one group hike each day
Water balloon toss
Marshmallow blow guns
Talking and visiting
**I am happy to take on volunteers to help my girls with 1-2 organized daytime activities each day for those wanting to participate.  I'll even take on volunteers for the evening activities, which brings us to:

Evening Activities:
Thursday night:  Family Feud game and 'Name that Baby' game.
*Bring a baby picture of each person over age 21 that will be attending.
Dessert:  Watermelon

Friday night:  Campfire songs, skits and stories.
*sign up with Aunt Patty for your contribution. 
Dessert:  S'mores deluxe

Saturday night:  Family Jeopardy game and Auction.
*Please let Aunt Patty know of items you'd like to donate to the auction.
Dessert:  Brownies & Ice Cream

So, is anyone getting excited about coming yet??

Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Meals for Tyler Reunion 2016

After giving mealtimes much thought, here is what I've come up with.
Please discuss with your attending family members what you would like to serve for your assigned meals and get back to me asap.  I will post what you have chosen so we don’t have too much duplication.   So, you see, first ones to decide get first choice!  ;) 

Those with lunch assignments, I strongly suggest you just do "make your own sandwiches" type of thing with some sides.  If you need special equipment, i.e. griddle, crockpot, blender - they have most of that stuff up there, plus I can bring mine.
Each family bring something to put in a trail mix.  We are going to make a bucket of it to set out for a snack - to keep the kids and grown-ups happy.  Nuts, dried fruit, cereal, m&m's, small crackers, etc.  We will also provide fresh fruit for snacks.


Assignments as follows:

Thursday afternoon will be check-in.

Thursday dinner
- 6pm
Stone family:  barbecue hamburgers and sides

Friday breakfast - 8am
Steve & Joyce McCown family:  Pancakes & Eggs

Friday lunch:  
Stone family:  Pulled Pork Sandwiches & cole Slaw, chips

Friday dinner - 6pm
Steve Tyler family:  Carne Asada tacos

Saturday breakfast
- 8am
Jerry & Karen Sanders family:  Breakfast burritos

Saturday lunch:  
Sanders family:  Taco Salad

Saturday dinner - 6pm
Steve & Joyce McCown family:  Chicken Pasta Salad

Sunday breakfast - 8am
Steve Tyler family:  Muffins? 

After breakfast on Sunday we will all clean up and head on home - till next Reunion!!

**Before I forget - we still have some rooms available if there is anyone who would like to come.

UP NEXT:  Activities and Evening programs

Sunday, January 31, 2016

New Info!

Rooms are still Available!!     

Before I begin, I want to emphasize that this is not a scolding letter.  Consider it a letter of "what it's like to plan a family reunion" letter.  Many of you have never done this, but you probably will at some future date.  As Camille knows, it is not an easy task.  It's even kinda scary when you have put $$  on the line and hope that everyone will come AND have a good time.

I began to search for a reunion locale this past July 2015, as I had several requests for a firm date and place in order for everyone to make plans ahead of time so that you could prioritize the dates when other things came up.  I understand that we all have things come up.  But the purpose of giving everyone the dates that early was so that this reunion could be first priority.  Family first, right?  Well, I understand when that’s not possible.  I do….

But, let me explain my position:
I finally found a large enough facility for most of us with the option of nearby rooms if we filled up.  The snag was that there was a ZERO refund policy.  And so, before I booked it, I made double sure that these were the best dates for the majority of the family, and then I asked for commitments to the rooms.  When I had those assurances, I went ahead and paid the deposit which was over $800.  If I didn't move quickly on that, we would have lost the opportunity to stay here as it books up quickly.

Since then, I billed everyone for their room, asking for the $$ before November 30.  I have received a few of those room payments.  Some have not paid (yeah, I understand that it was Christmas) and now I have some cancellations, like flies falling off a dead horse.  Seriously, I understand when it’s absolutely not possible; we all have hard choices to make.  Right now, I cannot fill the lodge.  I still have a substantial amount to pay (just over $2000 if we go through with this).  And the room rates (plus tent rates) that everyone pays were to help make that payment, along with the auction at reunion.  (In fairness to the Graff's, they are not requesting a refund for the reservationt they made; I appreciate them taking that responsibility.  But if I can fill that room, I do want to reimburse them.)

After talking to Steve T., Joyce and Karen, we have decided to go ahead with the reunion.  Yes, we may come up short, but I am really hoping someone will want to fill some rooms still.  SO: Take a look below and let me know if:
*You'd like to come and want to reserve a room (see previous posts for pics and descriptions of room)
*You've already reserved a room but would like to move to a larger room
*You are camping but would like to move indoors to help us out. (It's pretty chilly at night up there.)
All these rates are for 3 nights total:
Room 1              Stone family               $175.00         
Room 2              Patty Stone                 $175.00       
Room 3              Steve Tyler                 $175.00         PAID
Room 4              Joyce McCown          $175.00          PAID
Room 5              Available                    $175.00
Room 6              Karen Sanders            $175.00         PAID
Room 7              Jim Sanders                $190.00         PAID
Room 8              Craig Tyler                 $190.00         PAID
Room 9              Kristina Pettyjohn      $210.00         PAID
Room 10            Julianne Sanders        $195.00                              
Camping -  Karen Young  - PAID

Also - if there are any crafty persons out there who'd like to volunteer to make stuff for / or help with the auction; please let me know!  I'd love some help.

Again, thanks to all of you!  

I love you - everyone - and hope that if you can't make it this year, we will still get to see you soon and reconnect!